Welcome to our blog.
This is where we start conversations around mission, culture, and the exploration of faith in Ireland.
Best Practices for Hosting an Alpha Course
The three main areas fundamental to a successful Alpha are food, the Alpha talk, and small group discussion time.
The Parenting Course
We are ushered into this new world called parenting and soon realise that children don’t arrive with instruction manuals.
The Benefits of Hosting Alpha Online
The Covid pandemic meant that people could no longer meet in groups so there was a huge effort to bring Alpha online.
How do I build a team?
We’ve outlined the key roles as well as any potential roles you may need to fill.
How do we invite more people to Alpha?
Churches often want to know how to look beyond the usual suspects when inviting people on Alpha.
What should my church do after Alpha?
One of the main questions that arises when a Church runs a successful Alpha is, what’s next?
How to Create an Honest Discussion
Open, honest, and respectful discussion is the dream for every small group at Alpha.