Customise your promotional material for the Alpha Suite for free

Select which course you’re running, click the download button, and when prompted enter your details.

You’ll then get a PDF, which can be filled in with your own details using any PDF reader. You don’t need a designer or any paid software.

Easy as that.

To enter your own QR code as an image, we recommend using Adobe Reader (don’t worry, just the free version will do). There is an option in this application to E-Sign a PDF (in the toolbar, top left). Select E-Sign, and under Fill & Sign Yourself, select Add Signature. In the pop-up box, select Image (the third option), and then upload your QR code as an image (JPEG or PNG file format best). You can then drag and drop this image over the white box on the PDF, and resize it to fit perfectly. Then save your PDF and you’re good to go!

Promote Your Alpha

Promote Your Marriage Course

Promote Your Pre-Marriage Course

Promote Your Parenting Course

All material for promoting Alpha Youth can be accessed for free via MyAlpha.

Parenting Children Course

Parenting Teens Course

Promote Your Alpha Youth