The Benefits of Hosting Alpha Online

During the Spring of 2020 Alpha online was launched. The Covid pandemic meant that people could no longer meet in groups so there was a huge effort to bring Alpha online. As a result, Alpha is now available to host as an online experience. Churches who have run Alpha over zoom and other online platforms have seen significant impact on the guests and leaders who took part.

In an interview with Alpha Ireland in April 2020, Nicky Gumbel, shared that the number of people signing up for Alpha tripled during the pandemic. 

"Alpha has gone online.  I didn't think Alpha would work online. Alpha works even better online than in person.  We've had even more people attending.”

"We normally get 500 people turning up this term.  We've had 1,600 guests on our course this term and most of them would not be there but for Covid-19."

“He said his own particular small group had seen only one person dropout, and that all but two of the group became Christians over Pentecost.”

"The Holy Spirit fell on them in the most powerful way - more powerful than in person on Zoom. Jesus healed at a distance and the Holy Spirit is not confused by Zoom!"

Benefits of hosting Alpha Online

  • Alpha online opens the door of your church to new people who would never have come on Alpha otherwise

  • People have found it easier to invite their friends to an online course and guests have been more likely to say yes

  • Guests feel comfortable logging in online, with the option to leave the meeting at any time

  • Guest have felt more comfortable to share their opinions online

  • Guests are more likely to come back consistently session after session

  • The Holy Spirit Day was a turning point for so many who participated online. 

  • Alpha online engages and mobilizes young people in an even greater capacity

  • Alpha online develops long-term disciples and leaders in your church

  • Alpha online can be mobilized quickly with minimal resources

Written by Emily Morrissey.

Emily is Alpha Ireland’s Church & Digital Administrator. You can discuss all of these ideas for building a team with her by booking a free one-on-one coaching call.


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