Alpha Academy Part One
Your guide to effectively inviting others.
How do I get people to come?
This is often the first question people ask when they decide to run Alpha.
We love this question because it shows mission-centred thinking already.
It’s important to remember that it’s not just about giving information like what to expect, with a time and a place.
It’s about extending an invitation.
More than 85% of guests come to Alpha because someone has personally invited them.
It was a real conversation with a real person that made a real difference.
So, where to start?
The best place can sometimes seem like the most daunting, because it means going out on a limb with your friends, your family, your neighbours and work colleagues.
How do you actually go about inviting them anyway? And what if they say no?
What if they ask questions that you’re not prepared to answer?
How will it impact your relationship?
These are all great questions that we’re going to explore.
Let’s jump in.
before you start
Pause and pray. Ask God who you should invite. Consider the fact that we have the opportunity to partner with the Holy Spirit in the conversations that He’s already having with the people around us.
If you need some guidance in praying for people, contact us for more ideas.
from the need
Often our first thought in invitaiton is to just get it out of the way as quickly as possible. But it’s important to make sure the person doesn’t feel like they’re just one in a long list to be invited. So first, spend time reflecting and praying about what are the everyday, felt needs this person has?
How might attending Alpha be of benefit to them, specifically with the issues or life circumstances they’re currently facing? It’s not about telling them they need to experience Jesus - or else! It’s about inviting them into a safe space with no pressure, and showing them how Alpha might just be the place that could help them discover something new that could practically and realitistically impact their everyday lives for the better.
the conversation
We see in Scripture that Jesus interacted with different people in different ways. There was no “one-size fits all” conversation. Consider what you know about the past experiences, hesitations, frustrations and hopes of the person you are going to invite. By taking the time to understand the individual, you increase the chance they’ll say yes to your invitation.
the whole church
We’ve got some great resources to help church
communities develop a culture of invitation:
Our friends in Alpha USA have developed a great PDF resource - How Can I Get More Guests on My Alpha? It has some great tips for churches looking to be more intentional in inviting others on Alpha.
The Life Shared Resource is a four-week series designed to help churches create an invitational culture church-wide. Explore the series and download it for free at the link below:
Download free digital assets for your social media accounts, as well as for personal use as you invite others. You can also share them with others in your church and in your ministry.
the fatal flaws of invitation
Here’s a few key things to avoid when inviting someone on Alpha:
Forwarding your ‘No’: We sometimes say “no” on behalf of someone else, before we’ve even given them the opportunity to respond themselves!
Be shy to share: We each need to share our story. Don’t think that the lack of a radical testimony is in fact the lack of a testimony at all.
Make it “all about me”: Even if someone rejects an invitation, it is NOT a rejection of you as a person!